Sunday, September 30, 2007

Slow News Week

Well, we didn't get the call this week. Kind of bummed but Matt summed it up perfectly. He said "It doesn't matter when we get the call. It will be too late and too soon no matter what." Yep. So we concentrated on getting ready to travel. We got most of the paperwork done and finished up the shopping. I now have all the stuff on my lists. And Matt succeeded in convincing me that bringing home a new baby requires buying a brand new laptop and a cool video camera!!! The laptop is cool and all but the video camera is downright awesome! It's a tiny little gadget called a Flip. While me and Matt had fun tinkering around with it, Emma's inner film producer emerged!!! She recorded lots of typical kid-directed footage... you know like walking in on somebody changing clothes, lip singing with the hairbrush microphone - that kind of thing. That stuff was funny but this one is practically movie magic!!! To recreate this scene at home, let your kid record him/herself dangling off the couch while laughing hysterically. I have to say I'm proud the camera survived the fall! I'm pretty sure she recorded it at night with no lights on - so it's kind of dark.


Chairman Mom said...

Oh that video is SO cute!

Yvonne Crawford said...

Your blog rocks!!! And you daughters are gorgeous!

Glad to meet a fellow Texan in the adoption process with Taiwan. Congrats to you!

Nicole said...

Hey, Just wanted to let you know i've been thinking of you Texans! I can't believe you've gotten no news yet!! AAAhhhh-i'm so sorry.
Well, i leave tomorrow, i will try to update my blog as much as i can. You will be there soon-I know it!!!

Katie said...

Cute video!!! Been thinking about you! Monday is the day, it's gotta be!!!!

Shana said...

Hang in there! It's gotta come soon, I know it! Monday is only 2 days away.