Thursday, September 6, 2007


We found out today that our judge has issued our first ruling for TJ. Basically this means he/she has reviewed our case & found everything to be in order. Now we wait for the final ruling... this could take 14 days or 2 months. Since our judge has moved pretty quickly so far, we're hoping (against hope) that we'll be on the shorter end of that timeframe!!

We have sooo much to do before we can bring her home. I've got list after list but it's all so overwhelming that everytime I try to collect my thoughts I end up giving up and doing something productive (like reading a hundred or so blogs of other adoptive families) :P I guess reality set in for Matt today. When I told him about the ruling he said "Man, we need to start getting our stuff together!" Ummm... yeah I know honey. Do you SEE those fifteen lists I've been going over and over for the last month???

Good news is we got her room painted. Now I just have to wait for the seamstress to finish her bedding. And then I have to clean out the closet. Then I have to shop for all things baby. Then I have to buy gifts for the birth mother, foster mother, guide and agency workers. Then I have to get the paperwork together... well you get the picture. BREATHE!!!!

Truth be told if they called right now & said to come tomorrow I bet I could pull it off!!!

It really feels good to see progress but it saddens me that a good friend of mine whose court hearing was two weeks before ours is still waiting for news on her case. Sending good vibes her way!


Katie said...

YIPPPPEEEEE! So happy for you! Your judge is going to be fast fast fast!!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news!

Chairman Mom said...



shelley said...

YEA!!!!!!!!! That is the best news. I found that when we were getting ready for China, I had made lists of my lists. are right to remember to breathe

Nicole said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting our blog-how neat that we're on the same time line!
how old is your little one? Ours just turned 1! :( I want her so badly!!! Any day-right! This is a killer!
P.s. are you with JOH?

Chairman Mom said...

You've been tagged! Visit The Hegemom: Taiwan or Bust to play with us!


Anonymous said...

Dena, I've been looking for your e-mail address but couldn't find one. Congratulations on your first ruling! We are in the court process too, and anxiously awaiting news on our little one. Our blog is
Teresa (Atlanta,GA)

Judy said...

congratulations!!!!! what great news. One step closer to Tessa Jane