Monday, September 10, 2007

Tag... I'm it!!!

I have been tagged by the Hegemom at! The Hegemom is also adopting from Taiwan and is quite active on the "big" Yahoo board. She's got a great sense of humor! And, she has been down the adoption road before so she's a great resource for all of us hopping on the roller coaster for the first time! OK, so here are the game rules:

You have to post these rules before you give the facts. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged, you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged & to read your blog! O.K.-Here we go...

Let me start by saying I HATE my middle name... sorry mom :0 When Matt & I got married I wanted to change it to my maiden name but mom was crushed so I held onto it but shortened it to the initial on credit applications, mail orders, etc. So most of the stuff that lands in my mailbox says "Dena L." After a 17-year respite from seeing the name in print, here I am "coming out of the closet" for all the world to see!

Lorraine (cringe, shriek, gasp, sputter)

L: Laredo. This is the Mexican town Matt & I (and another couple) spent Spring Break my Senior Year. Now I'm apologizing a SECOND time in this post to my mom. No, we were not tubing on the river. Yep, we went to Mexico, shared a hotel room (gasp), and, most likely, (it's all a little foggy) drank some cerveza and tequila (double gasp). We even got stopped by the Border Patrol on our way back... the registration on my friend's car had expired... geez we were brilliant. Good times.

O: Origins. I love just about anything Origins makes! I wear the Ginger Essence perfume and LOVE the Ginger Souffle body lotion.

R: Roses. I love roses. I carried roses down the aisle at our wedding. But I have buy roses for myself. Matt thinks buying roses is stupid... period. They're expensive and all they do is die. About 10 years into our marriage we were going out for our anniversary and I told him I thought it was high time he buy me roses. So he stops at the corner and buys a single rose from one of those quasi-homeless people downtown! He's done. He bought me A rose... for $1.00! So I started buying myself roses. I do have to say he tried to redeem himself a couple of years ago by sending my a dozen roses on Valentines Day. Well, they lost the order or were too swamped to deliver them or something so about ten o'clock that night he gets ticked, tells me about the surprise that wasn't and calls the florist to chew them out. I buy myself roses.

R: Rebel. Anyone who knew me in high school will vouch. My hair is now its natural color, I have no holes in my clothing and old ladies don't point or stare at me. Otherwise, I'm the same person.

A: Art. I am a graphic designer and love art. I'm very lucky that I actually got be what I wanted to be when I grew up.

I: Irish. Matt was adopted by his step-father so his last name doesn't really reflect his heritage. Even though our last name is the first on Schindler's list, he is actually Irish and French. I'm Irish and German. We both wear Claddaugh rings.

N: Nubs. My toes are nubs. Take a look at Fred Flintstone's toes and you'll have a pretty good idea of what mine look like.

E: Ethnic. I love to cook and eat ethnic foods. Mexican, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Greek, Indian... you name it I love it!

There you have it! I've got to go work right now but I'll announce the lucky ones to be tagged next shortly.

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